Mango and macadamia salad
It’s summer, and that means time for mangoes at my house. Mangoes are a versatile fruit and this is a salad that is quick to make, healthy and delicious. We love them in our house (well, not the big dude, but the little dudes certainly do).
There aren’t very many ingredients in this salad. Firstly the mango, which are best enjoyed when in season and it is also when they are the cheapest. You can use any lettuce you like, or even any green leaves like rocket or spinach. I add some chilli for a bit of zing and flavour, some chopped macadamia nuts, and salad dressing.
I dress the salad leaves in a mustard dressing which I make using 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of champagne vinegar, some lemon juice and a teaspoon of seeded mustard. Simply put all the ingredients into a jar, pop the lid on tight and shake. Then, cut up the mango, chop the nuts, and finally chop the chilli up quite small. Finally, assemble on the plate and serve with any meal or by itself.
Tonight we had this salad with fish, prawns, calamari and chips – it looks pretty good I think, and tasted amazing.